All panel segments are free to download and remix. Note that many are still in development, and do not currently include the 84 or 90mm variants. If you need access to these files now, please contact us via the contact form
Open Panel Segments have 3 different Frame Types to accommodate different hardware configurations
- Type_1:
- Rear Mount, maximum structural support
- Inner core for heat blocking material
- 3D print with support interface
- Type_2:
- Rear Mount, minimal intrusion to internal volume
- Inner core for heat blocking material
- 3D print without support interface
- Type_3:
- Front Mount, no intrusion to internal volume
- No inner core for simple 3D printing
- 3D print without support interface
For Type_1 and Type_2 panels, it is recommended to attach to struts prior to case assembly
- Type_1 & Type_2 Panels
- Once the strut has been positioned between the frame and the inner core, the inner core will click into the frame with light pressure towards each end
- NOTE: If the fit is tight, you may need to adjust your 3D print settings to accommodate tolerances. CAD files are provided iwith all panels to make adjustments to if required
- Use the face plate to hold together while inserting 2x M.2.5 screws
- Type_3 Panels
- Positioned frame and face plate above screw holes in the strut and attach using2x M.2.5 screws